Slip Covers
Today in this world of fast everything, most of us just don't have the time (nor patience) to do an all consuming job of making a slipcover. We go buy them and not always are they what we want. They are generic in most cases and just don't work on the furniture right or look professional.
I hate empty patios and lawns. I have seen several homes in my city which have got absolutely wonderful patios but they lie unused and empty. The interior of the house might well be worth a million dollars, but people shy away from spending a few extra bucks for quality outdoor furniture. Outdoor furniture is not just about having something to sit on while you are outdoors. It can have many advantages. Think of it, you can have spur of the moment picnics outdoors, you can have a barbeque or you can simply laze on your outdoor lounge chair or glider.
Outdoor furniture are extremely sought after today and this is one of the reasons why most furniture manufacturers have an array of furniture on offer. There are chaise lounges, wooden chairs, the classic Adirondack chair and gliders. My personal favorite is the glider. The glider is very hard to define but if I were to describe it in laymen terms, then it is a hybrid between a reclining chair and a swing. It lets you rock back and forth, but you are grounded on the chair. Gliders are usually made of wood, but today you can get gliders made of all kinds of materials. There are almost hundreds of different designs, colors and textures to choose from as well. You can buy the two seat glider which is a huge rage with married couples or you can buy the three seat one which is a family favorite. But one thing that you need to think about is protecting your glider from harsh climatic conditions. A glider slip cover will do the job.
Protecting your furniture
While buying outdoor furniture is definitely a great way to bring some added fun to your household, protecting this furniture is one aspect that fails to get its due importance. People have a general notion that unless it snows badly in the area where you live, you do not need outdoor furniture covers to protect the furniture. But this is wrong. There are other extremities of weather. Take the sun for example. Every day the sun beats down on earth and subjects your furniture to harsh UV rays which will steal the sheen and the luster off your furniture. Then there is the moisture in the air. This moisture can enter the wooden furniture and cause it to rot and swell up in extreme cases. Glider covers are available for gliders of all sizes and shapes. If you have a glider, then a glider cover is a must.
Choosing glider covers
If you have a three seat glider then a three seat patio glider cover is the best option for you. These covers are made of synthetic materials like vinyl or polyester and are soft to the touch. They have an easy to use mechanism and slip over the glider with ease. The best part is that they keep the bottom of the glider open so that there is no trapped moisture within. If you have a costly cushion in your glider then a glider rocker cushion cover is a recommended add-on to protect the cushion. When you are looking to buy outdoor furniture cover to protect your gliders and chaise lounges, look to buy quality covers that have been tested for exposure to weather. This will be mentioned very clearly in the cover specifications. The cover should be tested against exposure to extreme cold as well as extreme heat and harsh UV rays. Log on to a search engine and look for slip cover glider rocker. You will get links to hundreds of online dealers who sell glider covers at discount rates.
I love to live my life king size and that is why I have a chaise lounge on my patio. It makes the whole outdoor even more inviting and relaxing. Everyday, I head outdoors with my iPod and listen to my favorite songs while I recline on my chaise lounge. One fact that most people find hard to believe though is that I bought my chaise lounge almost three years back and even now, it looks as good as new. All this while, it has never been bought inside the house. It was constantly outside while it was raining cats and dogs, snowing and even when the sun was at its harshest. But how is it so well protected then? The reason is because I am a smart buyer. I like to protect my investments be it a lawnmower, a chaise lounge or a new sofa set in the living room. So along with the chaise lounge, I also invested in a set of chaise lounge chair covers to protect it.
I watch many people buying outdoor furniture to decorate their patio and the chaise is an all time favorite. While they invest their money in the best of furniture, they regard outdoor furniture covers as an unwanted expense. But this is where they go wrong. According to me, covers should be made mandatory for all outdoor furniture. If you love your outdoor furniture and wish to see it last really long, then covers are a must. Today, there are hundreds of different covers available for chase loungers. One of the most common ones is the chaise lunge slip covers. These chaise lounge slip covers can give your priceless investment the necessary protection that it deserves. Slip covers are made of fabric for indoor furniture but when it comes to outdoor furniture and the chaise in particular, it is vinyl that rules.
Vinyl Covers
Vinyl is the most durable synthetic fabric that has ever been created and this makes it ideal for outdoor furniture protection. Vinyl patio lounge chair covers slip over the body of the lounge chairs and leave the bottom open. This makes it breathable. The moisture is not trapped in the cover and they are ideal for long term use. This is what hampers the growth or mold and mildew. Did I forget to mention that vinyl is completely waterproof? Yes, vinyl covers will not rot away in rain and it does not get soaked. This is one of the reasons why they have fast replaced canvas as the chosen material for outdoor furniture covers. There are other materials as well that are a mixture of vinyl and polyester fabric. Some of these covers are so durable that you can leave your lounge chair out even if there is a storm on the way.
Choosing a cover
So when you choose a cover for your chaise lounge, choose one only after going through its specifications. Make sure that it is waterproof and has been treated for UV protection. They should be easy to slip on and secure. Most covers use Velcro straps. Most people feel that chaise lounge slip covers are only available in white color. But there are several colors that you can choose from. I use a solid tan green colored cover because they are easier to clean. White covers get discolored easily when they are kept outside for some time. There are several brands of lounge chair covers as well. They all differ in the kind of products they offer and the price. Choose one that fits your lounge chair and your budget as well.